Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is one of the diets that have become popular and widely spread in the field of health and fitness, and the quest to reach the ideal weight.
Many individuals follow the intermittent fasting diet to lose weight, improve health, and lead a healthy lifestyle. In addition, it has been found that this system has a significant positive effect on the heart and brain, fighting age, and contributing to extending life expectancy.
Some may ask what is intermittent fasting. The term intermittent fasting is used to express the types of eating patterns that depend on periods of fasting and periods of eating, and it is characterized by its dependence mainly on eating times, and the absence of many restrictions about the type of food to be eaten or to be avoided, so usually the eating schedule is not specified in intermittent fasting. Rather set meal times.


المدار الجديد

ليبيانا للهاتف المحمول


اشترك من الرصيد




السعرات الحرارية

تمارين انقاص الوزن

ممارسة الرياضة من المنزل

طرق مثبتة لإنقاص الوزن بدون نظام غذائي أو ممارسة الرياضة

كيفية الحفاظ على وزن الجسم

خسارة الوزن في اسبوع



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نظام غذائي لزيادة الوزن

السعرات الحرارية

لو كارب

الصيام المتقطع



نظام غذائي لانقاص الوزن

Diet to gain weight

Diet to loss weight



Intermittent fasting

Low Carb
